journeyofmylife: October 2012

The Eye Candy (Pierre Boulanger)

NoorNazuha | 4:55 PM | 11Comments |

Eye catchy ?hehehe..suddenly nak update pasal aktor ni plak....who is this guy?well.....

Name: Pierre Boulanger
Nationality: His is French .hehehe
Age: 25 Years Old
Height: 5'11 (180CM)....tinggi gak tuh!
Speaks: French, English and Spanish
Profession: Actor
Role: His first english movie opposite Selena Gomez in Monte Theo Marchand......

Entry selingan....yuhuuuuuu........

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Sweet Escape..:)

NoorNazuha | 12:08 PM | 16Comments |
Happy friday........just got back from Ipoh High Court yesterday. Job done. So tiring. Takpe, yang penting matter dah settle.Recently Mr Hubby got infected and admitted to Ward. What a bad day....ulang alik ke hospital + keja lagi....memang leteh....

Now planning for my next year....looking for a best escpade from my routine life. But where to?....maybe somewhere far from equatorial countries...somewhere cold....hope to find out something worth the money.......any suggestion?babai all.....

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Little Taufiq

NoorNazuha | 4:07 PM | 8Comments |
How fast time my little nephew already 7 months old......Pejam celik pejam celik jeh dah besar.......

Taufiq.........Bam bam!

The day he was born...7 months ago.....
Semoga dia menjadi insan yang sentiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah...also missing my other 2 nephews........ok...just a short break.......see ya in the next entry......babai...!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

My SiS iN lAw's CoNvO DaY!

NoorNazuha | 2:37 PM | 15Comments |
Salam buat teman blogger. Di harap berada dalam kesihatan yang baik semuanya......cehhhh..macam tulis surat pulak...hope u guys doing's weekend?mesti penuh dengan aktiviti aktiviti tersendiri kan...This week rasanya minggu convo kot....last saturday i attended my sister in law's convocation at CAC Hall UIA di Gombak....suasana sangat la panas dan berbahang...semua orang berkipas kipas sebab tak tahan cuaca panas. Tak sure berapa session untuk hari sabtu tuh. Tapi my sister in law habis dalam pukul 5 petang....

Bouquet of roses......

Wajah Happy......

With my PaMa in Law
Eventhough petang tuh sangat crowded + Panas yang amat, tapi muka muka ceria para graduan tuh membuatkan suasana nampak happy dan tenang jeh.....:)...i wish all the best to all of them in their future and especially to my sis and brother in law (bro in law tak ada hari tuh sebab ada urusan lain)..semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.........Semoga menjadi doktor yang berdedikasi...Amin!

Nak interframe jugak......

Untill now........babai......:)

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

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