journeyofmylife: September 2013

Post Aidilfitri Celebration at Rebung

NoorNazuha | 4:33 PM | 12Comments |
Salam all...

This post is actually a Lame post. An old one. Tak tahu la baru sekarang nak post. Malas pulak nak amek gambar banyak banyak. Bos kitaorang suka belanja makan. Lepas raya itu hari, kami ke Restoren Rebung Chef Ismail di Bangsar. Tak ada apa yang menarik pun. Parking pun susah..park je la kat tepi tepi jalan atas garisan kuning tuh......enjoy la 3 keping gambar ni.....

At the left one is my Boss

Birthday cake for the Birthday Girls.

With one of my Staff and on the right is Conveyancing Practitioner.
Gambar makanan pun saya malas nak snap. For me tak ada yang menarik sangat kat sini pun. Tak silap lunch buffet kat sini around RM47++ kot. The price is quite ok. The option was not so great.  Saya cuma menikmati masakan kampung, begedil, Soto, Rojak buah, Pulut Durian and some lauk pauk kampung...

So nak review pun memang tak ada apa yang nak point out kan kat sini. Location wise is not so good i guess. From LRT Bangsar you have to walk a mile to get here. If you drove, then it was kind of difficult to park your car. So the choice is yours....

Enjoying ourselves

Ok then...only short post for today......till we meet again......

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Matta Fair 2013

NoorNazuha | 1:56 PM | 16Comments |
Salam All

How's everyone?Di harap semuanya berada di dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera...Entry kali ni saya nak share pasal Matta Fair..ada sesiapa dah pergi ke?I went to the MATTA last friday. It was a good event and i think if you have planned your vacation, it is worth of going. This MATTA is to cater the long school break at the end of this year.

I stopped by at this one of the tour agency and had chit chat with the tour agent. He told me that, at the very early morning of the event, most of the chienese had already booked their tickets for this end of the year break as well as for early next year because all they want to look for is the air ticket then only they went for the ground itinerary.

Then, what  is your favorite destination for next year vacation? Take a pick...

Adakah Korea?

Or maybe Safari, South Africa


Europe escape?

South America?

Beautiful Istanbul?

As for me, long term plan with my dear Buddy..she convinced me to accompany her this time. and i agreed. After few hours browsing the best flight, then i figure out that Qatar Airways has given the best offer. I look forward to MAS as well, but the price isn't that much worth of buying even though they provide direct service. I don't mind transiting a few hours because it could give me some stretching time as well.

I got the best price at that moment which was RM2,192. The price before that was RM2,311.00. I think it was good price anyway. Where to? i believe you can guess right?...:) simple advice, it's worth buying the air ticket during the can just log on to any of the airlines company. But if you plan to depart and to return from different place, then i recommend to book direct from the MATTA booth because they have system to access to the airline online  which offered a better price.

For example:  Depart KLIA-To Heathrow London
                      Heathrow London-KLIA-easy to book online.


Let say you want to depart from KLIA-London
                              depart from Berlin-KLIA-it is recommendable to purchase the thicket at MATTA.

The price will be slightly higher but it would be easier for you to plan your trip if you planned to visit various places at one time.

Ok then....where is your next vacation?..till now..babai.....:)

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

The Conjuring VS Mortal Instruments VS Elysium

NoorNazuha | 4:46 PM | 11Comments |
Salam All

Quite some times saya tak buat movie review. la sangat....based on my opinion jeh laa.well..i believe most of the bloggers have seen these 3 movies...which one of these are the finest?lets go one by one..


After a month screening then only i and Mr Hubby went to the cinemas. Mr Hubby is horror movie hater. So dia memang tak suka cerita seram. The last horror movie i've watched i think was few years ago and i forgot what the movie was.Then all the sudden, peoples are talking about the The Conjuring. In FB, office they keep talking about it. Last Saturday i went to watch the same. Here all i can say about the movie:
  • The plot was great. Easy to comprehend. Straight forward story line.
  • The sound effect as usual was superb (kalau tengok DVD memang tak boleh nak feel)
  • What i loved most is that, all scenes did not reveal the whole picture of the entity/ghost and it makes the scene even more scary. Especially scene where the ghost attempt to possess the mother while she was asleep in her room alone.The 2nd one is where the event of the exorcism took place. When the blood spilled over her face while she was covered by the white blanket.
  • Yes, the cliche scenes like the ghost pulling the girls feet during their sleeps, the ghost jumped off the girls from the closet, the hide and seek scenes (clap or whatever they call it, i forgot) when the mother is searching of her youngest daughter (April i guess) and suddenly the closet opened on its own and "something clapped "from inside the closet makes the audience a bit shouting nevertheless. I have the part when the audience purposely scream even though the scene was not that shocking.
In short i can simply give 3.5 out of 5 for THE CONJURING


I watched this movie back to back exactly  after i watched the Conjuring, Just imagined i felt i just strangled my self. Well, the promo was great then i thought this story was good as the trailer. i opined this while i was watching this:-
  • I can see that Lily Collins improved in the way she acted compared tho her previous movies like Mirror Mirror, The Priest and Abduction. But she was too tight with the script so she could not deliver her best in this movie.
  • The plot and the story line was quite messed up i guess. The CGI was great even though not as good as Harry Potter or The Beautiful Creatures.
  • I can give credit to Jamie Bower for his role as Jace weyland  (betul ke tuh?). I can see his spontaneous act while playing his role. Maybe of his experience in theater back in London as he was British and Musician as well. He played music very well too.If you are a fan of Camelot the series, he played King Arthur.
  • This movie doesn't give me any kind of adrenalin or emotions. So much of santai and relax till i realized i almost asleep.
I think i can rate this movie 2 out of 5.....hehehe.....


I watched this movie for the only reason is Matt Damon. I loved him since The Bourne Series But, well, its hard to say about this movie, so i can just sum up as follows:-
  • This movie was too surface i guess. It did not reveal the previous character of Matt Damon ( as Max) instead of just mentioning that he once was the car thief. It also did not reveal the Elysium per se. I mean, who deserve to live up there, what criteria they have, how can the world be divided into these 2 tiers.
  • Jodie Foster once was a great actress. I remember her played well in Silence of the Lamb which entitled her for the Oscar. But in this, her character was too weak...errr..... and the way she gosh, just like that?
  • Yeahh...Mat Dammon died at the end...what an ending.....i despise that..hahaha....
Overall, i rated this movie 2 out of 5.....ok tak?
So..what's your opinion? Let share it........bubai........

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

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