journeyofmylife: September 2014

What to do if you lost your passport

NoorNazuha | 3:03 PM | 6Comments |
Wahhh..salam semua rakan blogger. Saya sendiri tak ingat bila kali last saya update blog. Mau dekat 2 bulan tak menjenguk blog ni. Dalam tempoh 2 bulan ni, macam macam yang berlaku. Macam macam jugak yang nak update tapi tak ada kesempatan.

11.08.2014 hari tuh, kereta saya sekali lagi kena pecah. So sesiapa nak berjogging di Taman Jaya,Amcorp Mall,kena berhati hati sangat. Sebenarnya salah kitaorang sebab tinggalkan barang dalam kereta. And kitaorang cover dengan baju and beg lain.Mungkin stalker tuh dah nampak siap siap.

Dalam kalut kalut tuh sempat lagi la snap gambar . Walaupun dah pernah melalui kejadian seperti ni, tapi kali ni hati ku betul betul hancur luluh. Mengenangkan barang barang yang hilang tuh. Tambah kos nak repair cermin lagi, kos kos penggantian dokumen semua tuh. Tapi hati tetap kena redha kan jugak.....

Salah satu dokumen penting yang hilang malam tuh ialah Paspot saya. Kenapa saya bawak Paspot dalam kereta?Sebab dalam bulan depan, saya akan travel lagi. So dalam proses nak booking tiket flight bagai, that's why Paspot tuh dibawak ke hulu ke hilir.

Apa kena buat kalau Paspot hilang? Kalau IC, kad bank semua tuh kita dah tau kan. First thing kena buat Laporan Polis dulu. Tuh yang paling penting.Sini saya buat check list

  • Lodge a Police Report (tetibe pulak speaking).
  • In the report, you must specifically mention that your Passport has been stolen You also need to     include the Passport Number. Ada nak ingat ke?tak kan?unless you all install number dalam Hp which in my case, i tak buat pun. If let say, this does not included in your Report, you will need to make additional report (Laporan Bersabit) and in this additional report, you need to specify the details of the Passport.
  • Go to the nearest Immigration Department (not all immigration entertain the case like this), in my case, i went to Jabatan Imigresen Jalan Duta, level 1 and turn right and you can see the counter of Lost Passport.
  • Bring along with you:-
           a.) 2 photocopies of IC
           b.) 2 Photocopies of Birth Certificates
           c.) FORM IM42c  downloadable from Immigration Website duly affirmed by commisioner of
  • Then submit all the documents to the Immigration and they will interrogate you with a few questions.
  • Then, take a photo at the photo counter. Make sure wear something dark because the background of the Passport is white.
  • Then, they will give you Card for the collection purposes. The Passport will be ready in 1 week and then the payment as well.The fee will be RM300 for 5 years (in lost cases, they will charge you to the maximum 5 years)
Nampak simple kan..tapi just imagine, korang nak kena ke balai, nak kena ke JPN nak buat cabutan surat beranak (macam kes saya sebab surat beranak dah missing), nak ke balai polis sampai 2 kali. Punya la Hassle. Memang serik la kalau hilang Passport. So, memang kena extra carefull. Itu belum lagi kalau kes hilang dekat oversea.

Okla...setakat ini dulu perkongsian saya. Mana tahu boleh di manafaat kan untuk kesejahteraan kita bersama. Berjumpa kita di lain entry......Tata..

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

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