journeyofmylife: 2012

Welcome to the world..twin

NoorNazuha | 3:32 PM | 9Comments |
Congrats to my sister in law on her twin babies....

Twin girls
Hoping for this little one to be mine....hehehe.......kidnap satu la.....:)..

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Year end yang busy

NoorNazuha | 4:29 PM | 10Comments |
Assalammualaikum.. and Good evening..

Almost 10 days  and we will be celebrating new year of 2013. So how's the resolution? any new achievements? Well.... as to me, everything running like normal. Tak ada perkembangan dan cerita baru pun. Tapi dah year end ni, jadual harian makin busy pulak. Busy oleh sebab sebab berikut:-
  • Semua orang dah busy mengisi borang cuti. Sampai aku sendiri tak sempat nak cuti. Cuti aku untuk tahun 2012 ni masih ada berbaki 9 1/2 hari lagi. Carry forward hanya 5 hari untuk tahun 2013. Hopefully i can get something out of that. Boss bayar ke....Hehehe!
  • Court Vacation so called "vacate" tak pernah vacate. Kes punya la banyak hujung hujung tahun ni. Semua nak kejar masa. Semua nak dihabiskan dalam tahun ni.
  • Mr Hubby is facing his revision week and will seat for his first final exam. So, as a wife, kita pun akan turut sama akan merasa "kesibukan" dia. Hari hari balik lewat. Study kat library katanya (jangan bohong sudahla!). So everyday balik kerja, kena masak. Kena rushing dari office melawan arus trafik yang tak pernah tak jam. Fuhhh.....
  • Our Wedding anniversary is coming. No preparation at all done thus far. Maybe tak sempat nak raikan pun. Afterall, kalau Mr Hubby ingat pun, dah cukup bertuah. Still in my head, planning for something.....errrrr!
  • As our plan to travel next year is just around the corner, i have yet to complete my itinerary. Now at the stage to finish my visa application. Frankly, this the most "annoying" country i've ever experienced. Give up pun ada. And tambah stress lagi bila Mr Hubby tak boleh membantu. So semua atas bahu aku.Bukan tak biasa urus sendiri, tapi dengan kesibukkan kerja sekarang banyak membataskan plan kami ni.

Baru half way aku nak complete kan visa ni. Banyak lagi dokumentasi yang diperlukan. Kalau Visa aku tak denied, then i will share the rest of the story with my fellow friends. Kalau denied, then senang cerita aku tukar destinasi jeh.....:(

Okla..nak sambung kerja.....see you...A Bientot! 

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Info on Japan again

NoorNazuha | 5:11 PM | 17Comments |

Memandangkan ada lagi kawan kawan blogger bertanya preparation untuk ke Jepun, so i will publish this entry once again. Tips nak ke Jepun aku dah share sebelum ni, cuma maybe ada kurang jelas. Then, i will share it again...

Firstly, going to Japan requires Visa. You can print the form online.Click this link

All visas are free and can be collected within 3 working days. Documents required to attach with the form are:-
  • Valid Passport
  • Letter of confirmation (if you are working) stating the post, length of service and monthly salary
  • Bank statement and salary slip (Certified True Copy)
  • Itinerary in Japan
Embassy of Japan located at Persiaran Stonor near KLCC.

Secondly, ada kawan blogger tanya di mana nak beli winter apparel yang murah murah. As i mentioned earlier, kalau sesiapa yang tak kisah, boleh aje beli di Bundle.Aku sendiri beli di Bundle Kota Damansara dengan harga RM50. Brand Uniqlo. Hantar dobi dulu sebelum pakai and luckily semua ok. Kalau tak suka yang bundle2 ni, boleh la pergi ke kedai winter apparel macam biasa, tapi harga memang agak mahal kecuali ada sale. Tepuk dada tanya la selera masing masing.

And thirdly, pasal bajet di sana. Tip budget ni pun pernah aku share sebelum ni. In short, masa aku travel ke sana dulu, aku cuma bawak duit poket RM1,500. Itu hanya untuk belanja sahaja. Yang penting transport and hotel dah dikira. Frankly, in Japan, makanan dan transport boleh dikira sangat mahal. Jadi, please allocate lebih sikit bajet for both.

As to the accomodation, i highly recommend this: (if you travel to Osaka)


Till now..Au Revoir.....

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Tudung and Overseas?

NoorNazuha | 3:32 PM | 21Comments |

Eh...apa relevant tajuk entry ni kan?...let me peel it......diam tak diam dah setahun lebih aku ada blog. Dalam berblogwalking ni, macam macam blog aku jumpa. Macam macam penulisan. Ada yang kelakar, ada yang asyik nak tunjuk muka sendiri (muncung sana sini, bajet cute agaknya), ada yang suka tayang kekayaan, harta benda, tayang boyfriend dan macam macam lagi. Terhibur jugak kalau dibaca betul betul.

As for me, kenapa aku berblog? Nak tiru orang ke sebab semua ada blog?ok...first and foremost, aku berblog sebab aku nak berkongsi pengalaman dengan kawan kawan di luar sana terutama sesiapa yang minat Travel. Aku suka berkongsi apa yang membuatkan travel tuh menarik. Apa excitement yang kita dapat. Pengalaman yang tak sama dengan apa yang kita lalui hari hari. Meeting with new peoples, new languages, new cultures, new weather and new in everything. Besides, i wanted to share the tips and Budget for those who loves traveling.

Travel to overseas is not confined to excitement, adrenaline, fun semata mata. Bukan hanya nak bergaya dengan boot mahal ala ala Victoria Beckam (spell pun x sure lah) bukan hanya nak memperagakan trench coat berwarna warni yang kita tak merasa nak pakai masa di Malaysia disebabkan cuaca yang panas dan bukan jugak medan untuk kita buka aurat sesuka hati memandangkan kita berada di tempat orang.

I am not an angel.Bukan juga sempurna. Sekadar untuk berkongsi pengalaman. Ada jugak yang bila kat negara sendiri bertudung sempurna, cantik mata memandang, akan tetapi bila bercuti ke luar negara, tup tup.. tudung entah ke mana. Maybe panas kot. Eh....kalau dah travel ke negara ber "zone" sejuk ni apa alasan pulak untuk tidak bertudung kan...or mungkin jugak rasa dengan bertudung ni everything is restricted. Tak boleh bergaya lebih lebih. Tak "rock" la kalau pakai tudung...Wallah alam..tepuk dada tanya selera. Masing masing dah dewasa untuk berfikir...

Ada juga yang janji macam bertudung, pakai lengan pendek, nampak leher, nampak telinga..tapi atas kepala letak selendang semata maata sebab berada di oversea.Tapi bila di Tanahair sendiri, all the sudden, elok jeh sempurna menutup aurat. Nak kata hipokrit, Wallaahu alam.. Ye, bila bercakap bab agama, sesetengah orang berpendapat, masing masing jaga hal sendiri, Kubur pun lain lain. Sendiri punya amalan, sendiri la tanggung. Itu terpulang la pada firasat dan pendapat masing masing. Pada aku, kalau kita buat perkara yang sendiri dah tahu salah, kenapa nak di war war kan pada orang lain. Contoh seperti isu buang tudung bila bercuti ke luar negara ni, tak perlu la nak post gambar gambar tu di blog atau pun di laman sosial. Cukup la sendiri yang tahu kan. Kenapa mesti bangga kalau kita  tahu itu bukan diri kita.....

Ye, kesimpulannya, Allah ada di mana mana. Bukan hanya di Malaysia. Allah tetap sama.... till now...mari lah sama beramal...untuk diri aku yang utamanya..:)....Au Revoir!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

French! French! French!

NoorNazuha | 2:55 PM | 14Comments |


Dah seminggu lebih tak update. usual, tak ada cerita nak share..but its ok. Slowly i will update more. I am pre occupied with works now. Masa untuk update blog sangatla susah.

One of my new resolution is to enroll for foreign language. Probably next year. Tapi tu nama nya azam jeh. Tak tahu la menjadi ke tidak. Tak taula ada masa ke tidak. My office mate ada enroll untuk Mandarine Class di PJ. Class will be held every sunday at 10.00 am. ...Well...thinking if there is french Class over there. But as a first step, i bought this simple but useful book...

Hah.....Rajinnya nak menelaah buku ni. Buku yang sedia ada pun terpaksa amek sebulan nak habiskan...BUT....i will try....i know that French isn't easy. You need practice and determination. Semua language pun macam tuh. Dulu masa Undergraduate, aku belajar bahasa Arab. Dari Level 1 sampai lah tamat Level 6, tapi masih tak mampu nak menguasai. Bagi aku, Bahasa Arab sangat kompleks, especially bab grammer. Nangis woooooo.......nasib baik lulus jeh.....

And now, ada hati pulak nak belajar French...fuhhh.....mari berazam!........till now.. A Bientot!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Bila Handphone Hilang!

NoorNazuha | 2:08 PM | 14Comments |

I was in dilemma. Should i get myself a new Handphone at this moment? or should i wait.....sedihnya bila HP hilang. Walaupun Hp tu bukan la mahal sangat, tapi segala contact no  dan nombor2 penting kat dalam tu.

Al kisahnya last saturday, me and buddy lepak lepak kat Pavillion. Almost nak balik tuh, aku gatal kaki pulak nak singgah ke Starbuck nak beli feveret Ice Shaken Lemon Tea, pastu buddy aku naik atas nak beli air kat Kopitiam. Sehabisnya aku que and bayar air tuh, aku naik atas level 4 and join buddy aku lepak kopitiam kejap. Then aku kuar kan Handphone sebab nak reply sms. And kami rushing nak balik. Sampai jeh kat parking, sedar sedar jeh handphone dah tak ada. Bergegas kami ke Kopitiam balik. Tanya staf staf kat situ kot ada nampak Hp tertinggal, semua tak mengaku ada jumpa.

What makes me trigger is that, at the time i left the table, their staffs are busy cleaning the tables and some of them even staring at our table because i took the starbuck beverage into the Kopitiam. Standardla tak boleh bawak makanan luar masuk kan. Tapi tak ada orang pulak yang tegur. So then aku kira okla....So..logically, when i left, definately their staf will suddenly realize that something has been left behind. But no one cares to at least inform me.

Imej Kopitiam yang digugel.

Then aku buat lodge di security. Nak tengok cctv. Kalau staf Kopitiam yang amek, then another story. Kalau other bystander, then aku redha sebab sendiri punya kecuaian. Infact, the police told me that, cctv image tak boleh ditengok pada hari yang sama. Kena tunggu sampai isnin. It means TODAY!. Kena call diorang dulu then baru tahu outcome macam mana...

Disini, aku bukan menuduh. Jauh sekali nak mengaibkan pekerja pekerja kat situ. Tapi hati kecil ni masih lagi tak puas hati. Tak tau la kenapa. Jarang sangat customer yang nak duduk makan kat situ nak mencuri kan...but generally, who knows.It so MAGIC la kalau suddenly HP tu boleh dapat balik. Afterall, its ownself negligent. Whose to be blame kan..ME1 ME!

Just want to express my remorse over my own carelessness....till then..Au Revoir!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Lost World Of Tambun and Maal Hijrah

NoorNazuha | 11:48 AM | 10Comments |


Dimulakan dengan Kalimah Bismillahhirahmanirrahim......Aku start entry yang dah dekat 2 minggu tak update dengan ucapan Salam Maal Hijrah dan selamat menyambut tahun baru untuk semua. Semoga tahun baru ini akan memberikan kita lebih Syafaat dan keberkatan...Amin!

Chapter Pertama
Macam Novel pulak. Actually there are a number of stories that i would love to share here. But due to time constraint, i have to postpone it. Okay, break, Deepavali and Maal Hijrah breaks as well. Weehoooo.....eventhough i am not the Educater, i'm super duper excited as much as they enjoyed this long break. Less traffic. I believe each one of you has agenda during this break. Kenduri kawinla, trip la, balik kampung etc etc. As for me, 12/11/2012, we went to the World Lost of Tambun.  Last minute punya plan. Macam macam destinasi ada dalam fikiran. Phuket la, Singapore la, Legoland la, Krabi la, Koh Sa Moi and macam macam lagi. Tapi tak unanimous pulak. Ada jeh yang tak setuju. Masalah cuti, bajet, interest dan sebagainya menjadi punca susah nak determine. Lastly, semua agree nak ke Tambun. Dekat pun dekat.

from left, My Bro in Law, My Sis, My mom, My lil Bro, Me and my Sis

My Daddy tengah bengang sebab tak amek gambar dia.......hehe.!

Dengan entrance fee RM38, i guess it a lil bit over rated. Tak banyak rides yang ada kat dalam ni. Pool untuk mandi manda pun tak lah seluas mana. Pusing pusing tempat yang sama jeh. Except untuk hotspring kat sini, agak memuaskan sebab banyak dan tak perlu nak campur sangat dengan orang lelaki......(malu).....

Seriously, i dont have a pic over here. Hujan lebat pulak hari tu. Tak sempat nak bergambar gambar sakan. Kamera memang dalam beg jeh. Jadi tak dapat la nak cerita detail sangat apa yang berlaku kat dalam tu. Sepanjang disni, kami menginap di homestay milik kawan adik aku dengan sewa RM200 sehari.

Tempat kami lepak lepak di Homestay.

Dining space with 3 rooms.
That's it untuk entry chapter pertama....sesiapa nak ke sini rasanya tak perlu direction yang detail sangat kot. Masuk jeh exit Ipoh 138 and cari jeh signboard ke World Lost Of Tambun. Comel sangat tempat ni. Tak akan sesat la kot. Sunway Lagoon tuh maybe 2x ganda saiz Tambun ni.

Chapter 2

Just  like to wish everyone once again Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah and certain things that i would love to accomplish ..semoga Allah memudahkan segala urusan:

1. Going for my Holiday this coming January and February.

2. Enroll for Foreign Language Class (especially French and Mandarine)

3. Planning to perform Umrah and visit Istanbul at the end of 2013

4. Loss some weight.. (at least!)

Semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala sesuatu dan dimurahkan Rezeki Amin!..till then..Au Revoir!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

The Eye Candy (Pierre Boulanger)

NoorNazuha | 4:55 PM | 11Comments |

Eye catchy ?hehehe..suddenly nak update pasal aktor ni plak....who is this guy?well.....

Name: Pierre Boulanger
Nationality: His is French .hehehe
Age: 25 Years Old
Height: 5'11 (180CM)....tinggi gak tuh!
Speaks: French, English and Spanish
Profession: Actor
Role: His first english movie opposite Selena Gomez in Monte Theo Marchand......

Entry selingan....yuhuuuuuu........

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Sweet Escape..:)

NoorNazuha | 12:08 PM | 16Comments |
Happy friday........just got back from Ipoh High Court yesterday. Job done. So tiring. Takpe, yang penting matter dah settle.Recently Mr Hubby got infected and admitted to Ward. What a bad day....ulang alik ke hospital + keja lagi....memang leteh....

Now planning for my next year....looking for a best escpade from my routine life. But where to?....maybe somewhere far from equatorial countries...somewhere cold....hope to find out something worth the money.......any suggestion?babai all.....

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Little Taufiq

NoorNazuha | 4:07 PM | 8Comments |
How fast time my little nephew already 7 months old......Pejam celik pejam celik jeh dah besar.......

Taufiq.........Bam bam!

The day he was born...7 months ago.....
Semoga dia menjadi insan yang sentiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah...also missing my other 2 nephews........ok...just a short break.......see ya in the next entry......babai...!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

My SiS iN lAw's CoNvO DaY!

NoorNazuha | 2:37 PM | 15Comments |
Salam buat teman blogger. Di harap berada dalam kesihatan yang baik semuanya......cehhhh..macam tulis surat pulak...hope u guys doing's weekend?mesti penuh dengan aktiviti aktiviti tersendiri kan...This week rasanya minggu convo kot....last saturday i attended my sister in law's convocation at CAC Hall UIA di Gombak....suasana sangat la panas dan berbahang...semua orang berkipas kipas sebab tak tahan cuaca panas. Tak sure berapa session untuk hari sabtu tuh. Tapi my sister in law habis dalam pukul 5 petang....

Bouquet of roses......

Wajah Happy......

With my PaMa in Law
Eventhough petang tuh sangat crowded + Panas yang amat, tapi muka muka ceria para graduan tuh membuatkan suasana nampak happy dan tenang jeh.....:)...i wish all the best to all of them in their future and especially to my sis and brother in law (bro in law tak ada hari tuh sebab ada urusan lain)..semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.........Semoga menjadi doktor yang berdedikasi...Amin!

Nak interframe jugak......

Untill now........babai......:)

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

Rough Patch

NoorNazuha | 10:50 AM | 8Comments |
Morning everyone...almost 2 weeks with no entry. No Story.. Actually, lately i was a bit on my "rough patch". Overwhelmed by so many things. Works, family, hubby,pimples, traffic etc etc. Those kind of things really makes me reluctant to update any...

Sebagai manusia, memang kita tak dapat lari dari masalah. Apapun, memang kena redha. The best shield that my granny once told me to overcome  and be resilient during these predicament, is  PATIENCE!...yesss..that is the hardest thing to be.....

Oklah....hopefully everything will be back to normal and i can stay focus on things that i used to do. Probably continue to year...???....yippieeeee...

Part and parcel of my life now. Key in data.....tak habis habis...

Lambakkan fail yang belum settle sepenuhnyaaa......
P/s: Buat kerja jangan bertangguh......arghhhhhhhhhh!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


NoorNazuha | 2:04 PM | 5Comments |
Morning peeps.....last day of the weekend....and then 3 days break....weeeehaaaaaa..i'm thrilled. By the way, just want to share my last weekend activity that i went to MATTA FAIR held at PWTC. This is my first time being to MATTA. Errr....saja nak tengok kemeriahan....

We just Parked at Putra Bus Station. Per entry hanya RM3..wehuuuuu.....bila diperhatikan, ramai betul chienese yang attend Matta ni...nak balik China kot..

RM4 Per entry
As aspected , crowds memang dasyat jugak. If not mistaken, ada dalam 3 ke 4 Hall. Hall 1 untuk cuti cuti Malaysia, Hall 2 and 3 untuk overseas. We stepped into Hall 1 then buat tawaf sekali. Pakej yang ditawarkan menarik la jugak. Swiss Garden Hotel offered 3 days and 2 nights free if we enroll for membership. Ni yang malas. Nasib baik kami dah explain yang tujuan kami ke MATTA ni just nak observe je. Bukan nak jadi mana mana ahli pertubuhan Perlancongan...kuikuikui....nasib baik adik tu faham. Daripada nak bazir masa semua pihak kan........

Booth Swiss Garden
We proceed to Hall 2 and Hall 3. And i just feel so thrilled when looking at those flyers they distributed to the guest. From Spain to Italy, London to Paris, From Brazil to Peru, From Los Angeles to New York, From turkey to Moscow....makes my passion to travel even higher...

Emirates Booth
Emirates is among the airlines that offers the cheapest fare, as well as Qatar Airlines. One of the benefits when we fly with emirates is that, they offer more wide and various destination compared to other airlines. I believe they also serve better in their foods and hospitality.

Among the flyer that i took that day.
Oleh kerana keadaan crowd yang sesak, memang tak ada mood nak snap gambar banyak banyak. Ni pun just amek guna Handphone. Plus promotion dari booth booth tour agency yang berlambak tuh. Pendapat aku, kalau nak dapatkan harga yang lebih berbaloi, elokla beli dengan pakej Air Ticket+ Ground sekali. Kalau beli air ticket jeh, still ada beza harga yang banyak, tapi akan lebih murah kalau amek semua and secara group.

Pensive look. Hunting for the best deal maybe!
In short, we just spent 3 hours at MATTA. Without buying anything. At least dapat gambaran harga harga pakej pun jadi laaa....ada berpuluh puluh flyer yang aku amek and simpan tak sempat nak belek lagi..hahaha...semangat jeh nak pegi.Okla....ada sesiapa yang pergi ke MATTA ke boleh la share cerita menarik. Mana tau ada yang dah beli pakej percutian menarik ke...okla...till now..babai!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

My Mom'S Travel story

NoorNazuha | 6:11 PM | 16Comments |
Ohhh my mom memang suka menulis. Dah jadi hobi dia. Sebelum ni aku pernah post pasal travel story dia dalam majalah MIDI.. My mom berkongsi pengalaman travel ke sana pada tahun lepas...ada 2 keluaran untuk setiap cerita. Yela, cerita pun panjang kan..hehe....

Kali ni cerita travel kami ke Gold Coast...sesiapa ada plan nak ke Gold Coast boleh la baca kisah mak aku ni k..hehehe...oooo ye..di majalah MIDI cover Noreen Nor tuh....Tips nak GC ni aku dah pernah share kat entry sebelum ni...

My Papa and mama....muahhhhhhhh!, yang kat atas tu aku and the gang!
Lepas ni, my mom kata nak menulis lagi. Menulis kisah ke Jepun pulak...semoga boleh jadi panduan pada rakan rakan blogger nanti....oklah..hanya berkongsi info....i'll see you in the next entry...papai!

Ni gambar original dalam simpanan..hehehe
Note:From left, Mr Hubby, ME, my buddy, My Sister, My Mom and My lil Bro.....ngeeeee!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


NoorNazuha | 12:10 PM | 7Comments |

Verangan macam kat Hollywood...
Salam Aidilfitri buat semua teman teman Blogger. Dah hampir 2 minggu rasanya tak jenguk jenguk blog. Maklumla, busy beraya. Hari ni dah nam masuk hari ketiga bekerja. Ya betul. Kerja dah bertimbun. Kepala dah rasa sarat balik. Cuti 9 hari tuh memang tak cukup.

Raya pertama kami ke Temerloh. Raya kedua kami ke Kuantan cuci mata.Hari Raya ketiga kembali ke KL. Hari Raya keempat terus ke JB. Jalan jalan lagi.Hajat nak ke rumah abang ipar, tapi mereka ke Jakarta last minit. Pendek kata keseleluruhan keluarga ada agenda masing masing. Keluarga mertua pun semua ke Jakarta menghadiri wedding di sana. Oleh kerana memang tak tahu nak kemana, Mr Hubby ajak ke Geylang Singapore. Aku pun tak tahu nak buat apa ke sana. Sebelum ni pergi naik bas, nak flight and kali ni kami decide nak drive masuk jeh ke Singapore. Lagi convenient kot...

Our journey to Sentosa Island
Cuma nak masuk ke Singapore bawak keta ni kena apply Auto Pass. Apply kat Border jeh. Lepas cop cop Pasport tuh, just berhenti kat tepi and apply jeh Auto Pass. Isi la form macam biasa. Kad ni tak ada expiry date. Bila bila lepas ni nak guna balik pun boleh.

Contoh Auto pass kami
Kami menginap di salah sebuah Hotel di area Geylang.Hotel Fragrant- Saphhire ni tak la begitu memuaskan. Saiz bilik yang sangat kecik. Lebih kurang size Tune Hotel jeh. Tapi yang best, keadaan bilik sangat bersih.. Kalau nak dapatkan makanan halal, boleh gak ke kedai makan muslim mamak kat area sini. Jalan kaki jeh.

Dipendekkan cerita, Mr Hubby nak ke Universal Studios lagi. Katanya masa pergi last year tak ada Transformers 3D tuh. Tahun ni dah ada. So aku pun angguk jeh. Layan jeh la. Ingatkan pergi time raya ni tak ramai orang. Salah sungguh sangkaan aku. Que nak masuk punya la panjang. Lenguh satu badan. Jarak US dari hotel tak jauh. dalam 9.8KM jeh. Berpandukan GPS, kami drive ke sini. Kadar Parking kat US ni dalam SGD24 untuk sehari. So auto pass tadi kena la ada baki mencukupi. Kalau tak cukup baki, boleh topup kat 7E kat atas US tuh.

Space memang cukup luas....

Emmm..tak nak story lebih lebih la pasal apa yang best kat sini. Kebanyakkan semua dah tahu apa yang best kat sini. Rata rata kami try semua rides yang ada kat sana. Sampai nak termuntah pun ada....hhihih....Mr Hubby yang tak suka naik pun aku tarik kasi naik jugak. Human Battlestar Gallectica ke, Cyclone Gallectica ke...hentam jeh semua. Tapi rasanye, cyclone tu lagi mengancam kot. Sampai nak tercabut tudung kat kepala dek kerana kelajuan nya yang tak munasabah....haha!.

Suasana hari Raya...hehehe

Dapat bergambar dengan autobots pun jadi laaa

Que di dalam Transformers Rides 3D
Overall, aku puas hati dengan Transformers Rides ni. Enjoy jugakla. Sakit badan kena hentam dengan Megatron..hehehe....budak budak btol kitaorang ni kan....takpela..janji happy....nak dijadikan cerita jugak, sepanjang berada kat sini, memang hujan sampai ke petang. Tak pasal pasal kena beli Poncho. Mahal pulak tuh. Sampai SGD3...dah petang tu barula hujan reda. Dalam pukul 4.30 tuh, ada Show dekat Waterworld. Penuh jugakla stadium tuh. Tak snap gambar pun. Macam tak ada mood jeh.....yang penting, perut lapar WAJIB makan..

Okla..tak ada apa nak story sangat. Cuma sedikit cebisan di cuti hari raya.....apa plan korang plak di masa raya hari tuh?mesti menarik kan dengan gambar raya. Aku tak ada gambar raya pun. Gambar yang kat atas semua tuh semua amek dengan hp jeh. Punya la tak ada mood nak amek gambar.....okl....adiosssss...!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

My Travel Tips

NoorNazuha | 2:54 PM | 14Comments |
Dalam busy busy kerja ni, persiapan raya lagi, masih sempat nak tengok blog. Al maklumla, dah lama tak update blog. Memang seronok bulan puasa ni, kemeriahan terasa. Tapi apa yang penat,ialah tahap kesesakan jalan raya yang semakin kronik, nak rushing masa nak masak lagi. Semalam sajer aku sampai rumah 6.30 petang, walhal keluar office 4.30. Sampai jeh rumah, terus berkung fu kat dapur. Tangan kiri masak nasi, tangan kanan masak air. Nasib kaki tak boleh guna jeh. Nak potong sayur, bawang, keluarkan ayam dari fridge lagi etc etc. Siap masak jeh dah pukul 7.10pm and sedar sedar masih tak solat asar. Subhanaallah.......

Oklah...since blog aku ni memang focus pasal travel, so aku nak share tips tips untuk travel. Ada jugak yang hantar email tanya bajet dan tips nak travel ni. So aku wat jeh satu entry tentang tips tips ni. Sebenarnya tips umum jeh. Rasanya rata rata tahu. Tapi dalam yang tahu tuh,ada jugak yang tak tahu kan...ehehehe....


1. Cloths?Depends on  weather. But please bring along your light jacket, trench coat (when you travel across   europe, mostly its chilly all the times and rainny except peak summer (Julai-Ogos)
except winter...

2. Dont forget your lip balm and mosturiser/vaseline as humidity in those countries (cold zone) is extremely low. Dryness and itchiness will erupt all over your body. Seriously, i've experienced that.

Fatally impoartant!

3. Carry along your mineral bottle all the way because its very difficult for us to find the toilet with water supply. The only thing left in there are tissues.As a muslims, hygiene is the utmost part.


4.Bring along your universal charger/adapter (compulsory). You can purchase this in certain airlines.. (Airasia).

Sometimes i bought it at the hotel

5. Make sure that you weight your luggage before travel. Especially when boarding Airasia,. excessive baggage will cost you millions!. (we have experienced this at Stanstead Airport, where we need to pay RM650) over the excess baggage...huwaaaaaaa....Some airlines provides 20KG Max Baggage and some 30KG.

Use normal weight machine..kehkeh

6.To smoothen your journey, kindly purchase travel  wristlet/holder so that you can easily jumble your things like passport, Visa,money, ID card etc in one place.
Please scrutinize your items

7.If you are travel lover, please buy yourself a durable luggage with 4 wheels. It happens to me, i brought POLO luggage which cost me only RM60 but end up damaged in the middle of nowhere.( Samsonite pun ok). Its worth the buy because it carries your valuable belongings.

Not afford but worth the buy....huhuh, but some of my friends say, it might lost during the cargo transfer..

8.Do learn some of their basic languange to enable you to comunicate and they will treat you well. Especially in france and Japan. I bought myself a simple  pocket guidebook . At least i can ask the most basic questions like, where is this place?How do you do, Good moring etc etc. They'll appreciate me!

Pocket size is easier

9. Carry along a compass to facilitate you in finding Qiblah direction.

Learn how to use this

10.Please carry along your itinerary each time you travel across border. As the european countries do not require visas for traveler.At the Customs Department, they frequently requested for your itinerary to make sure that you have a place to stay.

Air Asia itinerary


1. During long haul flight (8-14 Hours), please stretch your leg, especially moves your toes to prevent swelling. It happens to me a few times and it took at least one day to heal back.

My kaki with socks.....

2. If you are a toilet lover, choose a seat down the aisle .

Please choose your seat if you are so much concern of toilet and travel with baby

3.Bring along your pen always and complete your arrival form at least 1 hour before landing.

Dont ever forget!

4.If you travel by airasia, please book your meal online. Time and money save and you will not missed your favourite meal. It happens to me once, i have to pay RM25 for a plate of "not tasty" vegetarian lasagna.

Air Asia concern only


1.Summer is the best season to travel. Longer day for a walk and sale all over the place.But prepare for long ques in any major attractions..hehe

Que di Maddame Tussauds lebih dari 2 jam......:(

2.. If you travel with different airlines, please check  your connection flight prior to your vacation. It will ease you in boarding process. So no need  to claim your luggage twice.

I've experienced this during my transit at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok. To change flite (Lufthansa Airlines to Egypt Air to Cairo. Maybe i could have skipped this long que!

3.If you are using escalator, kindly stand on your right side to allow other to pass through.(in Malaysia, we used to stand on left side).

4. Google your Halal Food. Check some of your raw material (rice, sardine,bread,anchovies) whether it is approved items. I've experienced this when we have to throw out some foods at Coolangata International Airport, Australia. (sayang kat serunding daging kena buang)

5. Always check your passport expiry date (6 months before actual expiry date) and check Visa's application prior to your vacation.

6. If you travel alone (without travel agent), please choose your hotel near the Public transport especially subway. You can purchase the pass online. I've attach the link in my previous entry. Public Cab/airport Limo will cost you a lot. I've experienced it when i went to Japan, which i took a cab (midnight) from Subway station to the hotel (approx less than 6KM and it cost me around JPY2,000 (RM79++).

7. Print your map/subway map/bus route and laminate. It will be your amulet..hahaha..everything  you are about to do, you will refer to that.

8. My friend once told me, try not to bring the baggage with those slots and pockets. It will gives others space to put something "unwanted" into your luggage. DRUGS for example.

9.Try to make your baggage "different" from the others by tagging it, buying an extra striking color so to make you easy to trace your bags at the baggage claim conveyer.


easy to learn some of basic language/translation.

to look through the exact place/hotel.

to check the expenses in RM

booking online is much cheaper.

to see the hotels rate all over the world.

other option for hotel lover

to compare the lowest airlines fare.

choose a variety of city tour with an amazing prices.

Tu serba sedikit tips tips umum la yang sempat aku kongsi berdasarkan pengalaman aku. Banyak lagi yang tak sempat di kongsi di sini..ehehe...susah jugak update blog kat tempat kerja ni... staf asyik datang mencelah jeh....okla....see you in the next entry....tata..!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

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