journeyofmylife: September 2012

Rough Patch

NoorNazuha | 10:50 AM | 8Comments |
Morning everyone...almost 2 weeks with no entry. No Story.. Actually, lately i was a bit on my "rough patch". Overwhelmed by so many things. Works, family, hubby,pimples, traffic etc etc. Those kind of things really makes me reluctant to update any...

Sebagai manusia, memang kita tak dapat lari dari masalah. Apapun, memang kena redha. The best shield that my granny once told me to overcome  and be resilient during these predicament, is  PATIENCE!...yesss..that is the hardest thing to be.....

Oklah....hopefully everything will be back to normal and i can stay focus on things that i used to do. Probably continue to year...???....yippieeeee...

Part and parcel of my life now. Key in data.....tak habis habis...

Lambakkan fail yang belum settle sepenuhnyaaa......
P/s: Buat kerja jangan bertangguh......arghhhhhhhhhh!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


NoorNazuha | 2:04 PM | 5Comments |
Morning peeps.....last day of the weekend....and then 3 days break....weeeehaaaaaa..i'm thrilled. By the way, just want to share my last weekend activity that i went to MATTA FAIR held at PWTC. This is my first time being to MATTA. Errr....saja nak tengok kemeriahan....

We just Parked at Putra Bus Station. Per entry hanya RM3..wehuuuuu.....bila diperhatikan, ramai betul chienese yang attend Matta ni...nak balik China kot..

RM4 Per entry
As aspected , crowds memang dasyat jugak. If not mistaken, ada dalam 3 ke 4 Hall. Hall 1 untuk cuti cuti Malaysia, Hall 2 and 3 untuk overseas. We stepped into Hall 1 then buat tawaf sekali. Pakej yang ditawarkan menarik la jugak. Swiss Garden Hotel offered 3 days and 2 nights free if we enroll for membership. Ni yang malas. Nasib baik kami dah explain yang tujuan kami ke MATTA ni just nak observe je. Bukan nak jadi mana mana ahli pertubuhan Perlancongan...kuikuikui....nasib baik adik tu faham. Daripada nak bazir masa semua pihak kan........

Booth Swiss Garden
We proceed to Hall 2 and Hall 3. And i just feel so thrilled when looking at those flyers they distributed to the guest. From Spain to Italy, London to Paris, From Brazil to Peru, From Los Angeles to New York, From turkey to Moscow....makes my passion to travel even higher...

Emirates Booth
Emirates is among the airlines that offers the cheapest fare, as well as Qatar Airlines. One of the benefits when we fly with emirates is that, they offer more wide and various destination compared to other airlines. I believe they also serve better in their foods and hospitality.

Among the flyer that i took that day.
Oleh kerana keadaan crowd yang sesak, memang tak ada mood nak snap gambar banyak banyak. Ni pun just amek guna Handphone. Plus promotion dari booth booth tour agency yang berlambak tuh. Pendapat aku, kalau nak dapatkan harga yang lebih berbaloi, elokla beli dengan pakej Air Ticket+ Ground sekali. Kalau beli air ticket jeh, still ada beza harga yang banyak, tapi akan lebih murah kalau amek semua and secara group.

Pensive look. Hunting for the best deal maybe!
In short, we just spent 3 hours at MATTA. Without buying anything. At least dapat gambaran harga harga pakej pun jadi laaa....ada berpuluh puluh flyer yang aku amek and simpan tak sempat nak belek lagi..hahaha...semangat jeh nak pegi.Okla....ada sesiapa yang pergi ke MATTA ke boleh la share cerita menarik. Mana tau ada yang dah beli pakej percutian menarik ke...okla...till now..babai!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

My Mom'S Travel story

NoorNazuha | 6:11 PM | 16Comments |
Ohhh my mom memang suka menulis. Dah jadi hobi dia. Sebelum ni aku pernah post pasal travel story dia dalam majalah MIDI.. My mom berkongsi pengalaman travel ke sana pada tahun lepas...ada 2 keluaran untuk setiap cerita. Yela, cerita pun panjang kan..hehe....

Kali ni cerita travel kami ke Gold Coast...sesiapa ada plan nak ke Gold Coast boleh la baca kisah mak aku ni k..hehehe...oooo ye..di majalah MIDI cover Noreen Nor tuh....Tips nak GC ni aku dah pernah share kat entry sebelum ni...

My Papa and mama....muahhhhhhhh!, yang kat atas tu aku and the gang!
Lepas ni, my mom kata nak menulis lagi. Menulis kisah ke Jepun pulak...semoga boleh jadi panduan pada rakan rakan blogger nanti....oklah..hanya berkongsi info....i'll see you in the next entry...papai!

Ni gambar original dalam simpanan..hehehe
Note:From left, Mr Hubby, ME, my buddy, My Sister, My Mom and My lil Bro.....ngeeeee!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.

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