journeyofmylife: Hershey's Chocolate Factory

Hershey's Chocolate Factory

NoorNazuha | 2:24 PM | 11Comments |

Well, i am back. This post is already backdated. I forgot to share..Nak storye sikit pasal Chocolate Hershey ni. Semasa trip ke New York hari tuh, kami sempat singgah ke Kilang Pemprosesan Chocolate Hershey ni. Actually, i am not a chocolate lover. I don't even know so much of Choc brand. Haha. But Hershey is quite common. Kalau ke Langkawi, tak sah kalau tak beli Chocolate ni...:)

Hershey Choc Factory is situated in Pennsylvania, United States. Originated from Northern Side of US, the founder was Mr Milton S. Hershey.  You can google everthing about Mr Milton, his Hardwork, His career, his failure and his predicament towards Hershey's development.

We arrived here in the morning. In the freeeeezing winter. The scenery was magnificent. Outside the Factory, there was a theme park built for Hershey's, but it was closed due to Winter.

Just before the entrance

Bonjour .........
Well, the tour begins at about 9am. It was just a simple and short tour. But it was nice. Unfortunately, the picture quality was bad. My hand keep moving here and there and it was so hard to press the shutter, LOL..
This tour was simple. We just got into this little gondola. Then it will moved all around the Factory passing through the chocolate manufacturing.

The tour Starts here.

Errr..passing through it a cow or a ....?


Milk And Sugar


Well, i have a few pictures while i was in here. But all of it was in bad shape. Really can't share it now. After the ride was over, they gave us a small free gift. Thank You so much. I did really enjoy the ride, except for the "popo' chit chatting  here and there makes me feel like i am in Taiwan instead of Pennsylvania....huh!

After the ride, we then proceed to the Shopping area. Since i am not a choc fan, then i am not so eager in getting this Hershey. The price is a bit cheaper from any other store since this was all of the products manufactured. I bought 4 packages of Kiss Hershey with different flavors for $12. 

Shopping spree.

Take 5

Nice box

After about 2 hours spent here, we headed ourselves to the food court nearby since we haven't take any breakfast. A few salad bar were opened. All looks gorgeous.But i am still afraid those salads is mixed with rum or any other alcoholics stuff. 

Looks yummy

I just take this, plain bread with potato broth.
Yes. After taking our breakfast, we then heading to Corning Glass Museum situated at Niagara Falls.I think i shall stop here. Will continue with another story.Hopefully with other destinations. Dreaming again..:)..see you in the next entry......Adioss......

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


fardhila fawwazy blogspot said...

bestnya g sana...i love cklat!;)

zack mus said...

wow ,banyaknya coklat

entri baru Hari Jumaat memang trafik kurang , tau kenapa ?

ezyra taharin said...

seronok nye dapat pergi melancong dekat sne...brtuah nye akk...dapat bawak balik skit coklat2 uwh memang best nie!hehe

suesue said...

fascinating! ^^

Anonymous said...

Bestnyaaa! Banyak coklat.. :D

Unknown said...

kalau sy jadi akak mesti dah berangan macam dalam berita charlie and the chocolate factory.. hahaha

Miss N™ said...

mesti wangi je kan bila masuk tempat coklat ni...
sedap bau coklat.. :)

puteri kasih said...

i am a chocolate lover kak can pass those chocolotes to me..haha

penyuluh perikanan said...

singgah jom, apa kabar


waaaaa besttt giler coklat! :(

ziana said...


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