journeyofmylife: Perfume Hunting on my Born Day!

Perfume Hunting on my Born Day!

NoorNazuha | 3:06 PM | 9Comments |

23.03.2013, is my Born day. Another year has come. Another year has made my life felt so blessed. Thank You Allah. Thank You for giving me chances to be with my loving one. Thank You Allah.

I have no special plan on that day. Just went for the movie "The Call". Impressive i think. The movie was so alive. It reminds me of the movie" silence of the lamb". Awesome movie...before that, we continue our mission looking for a Perfume. Last time i bought myself a perfume i think almost a year ago. I remember i bought this Coach Poppy.

I wish to buy Dolche and Gabbana, Rose the one. I think, this is one of the best. The rose fragrant really struck my nose..hehe..but the price increasing so rapidly. For 100ML the price now is RM400++. Last time i bought it only cost RM300++.

This is one of my favorite The icon is Scarlett Johansson.
Then, i proceed to Dior. Ms Dior also great. But the price also a bit unreasonable plus i don't really love the smell. It has a few types of Ms Dior Range. I forgot which one i tried. Perhaps this one

I almost bought the Lancome Est Belle. This is one of the most popular fragrant in Europe.The smell quite strong. I don't really like it...

The bottle is nice.
Then, i end up buying Channel Mademoiselle The bottle was simple and the smell was so refreshing. I can't afford to buy the 100ML one. I just took the 50ML.

Ok..can't make long entry. Got work to do.Will see you in the next entry......Au Revoir....!

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


Alin Marlini said...

i like perfume.....wangiiiii...hehehe

puteri kasih said...

happy belated birthday kak zuha :)

Zurina said...

hepi belated bday zuha! ermmm...wanginyaaaaaaa...:) mg trus mewangi kehidupan dunia menuju akhirat...:)

zette said...

happy belated birthday...

perfume for birthday? sgt wangi.. BEST~!

Lieya Von Jay said...

saya pon suka perfume but mostly celebrity fragrance sbb lebih murah dari designer perfume :) heppy belated bday kak zuha .. :) akak nak murah beli kat ebay kak .. ^_^

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday kak zuha..

mak sy suka bab2 beli perfume ni tp dia tak berapa suka sgt pkai.. pening katanya.. anak2 dia la untung.. haha!

Miss N™ said...

happy belated birthday kak zuha...
sori lambat wish.. :)

Karya Hati said...

aih, lama dah tak beli perfume. dok aim dkny baru tu. hehehe said...

yupp...rege pfume kt shopping mall mmg naik every year..d&g rose tu dah jd RM415 x silap..

hepi blated bday...

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