journeyofmylife: Happy Birthday Mama!

Happy Birthday Mama!

NoorNazuha | 1:45 PM | 9Comments |

Last week was my mom's birthday. We are thinking what is the best gift to give her. Finally we decided to gather and having dinner together. The last time we had this i think was last year for Ramadhan Buffet. Since it was a last minute plan, they we agree to meet at Serai@ Live Centre at Jalan Sultan Ismail. Just nearby KLCC.The menu not that much. But the taste was quite good.

Serai @live centre

Waiting for the other family member.

The Cake from Wondermilk

Happy Birthday Mum!

Skinned Salmon with Saute Potato and Asparagus for me..

Nasi Kerabu for Mr Hubby
This entry hanya gambar jeh. Tak ada masa lak nak story panjang panjang. Tak pandai nak elaborate panjang panjang. And THANK YOU SO MUCH Babah for belanja us that night. Next time boleh belanja lagi......:).....

Terima kasih, datang lagi.


Unknown said...

salam. Seronok singgah di blog ni.. :)

Mizz Aiza said...

wah.. cantik kek dari wondermilk tu.. warna pelangi.. :D

Miss N™ said...

ceria Kak tu....

HBB untuk mak akak.. :)

Alin Marlini said...

sedapnyer menu zuha..tapi cam tak kenyang jekk...hehehe

ziana said...

Happy Besday mama.....He.he. Awat muka Mama masam jer

Cik Nor said...

singgah mkn cni..sdap nampak nasi kerabu tu..:)

Diari Si Froggie said...

Happy Besday makcik :) may Allah Bless u.. lapar tengok gambar2 kat sini.. hehe.

aima said...

appy besday to besday mom...kek sempoinya

Yaya Mohd said...

sedpnyer mamm...
kek tu lg nmpk sedap..hehe

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